This is the first page you see upon logging in. It shows you
the latest news updates for the bugtracker. This is a simple news
module (based off of work by Scott Roberts) and is to keep users
abreast of changes in the bugtracker or project. Some news postings
are specific to projects and others are global across the entire
bugtracker. This is set at the time of posting in the Edit News
section.The number of news posts is controlled by a global
variable. When the number of posts is more than the limit, a link
to show "older news" is displayed at the bottom. Similarly a "newer
news" is displayed when you have clicked on "older news".There is
an Archives option at the bottom of the page to view all
listings.ArchivesA title/date/poster listing of ALL past news
articles will be listed here. Clicking on the link will bring up
the specified article. This listing will also only display items
that are either global or specific to the selected project.